
#5 – The value of not knowing what you are doing 

 June 25, 2022

By  Leslie

Research shows something very interesting about creativity. Preparation, practice, and then …. letting go; embarking on the journey without preconceptions, are all necessary for creativity to flourish. Paradox abounds in the creative process. The moment you think you have a method and a plan to go forward is the moment you block the flow if you insist on executing that plan in lockstep. Formulas and rigid plans are not the brews that sprout magic and wonder.
Artists who remained sharp and fresh vs. those whose work declined were studied to see why that is. Generally, the artists whose work (and thinking abilities) continued to be fresh and innovative approached their work with curious and exploratory mindsets. They continued to follow their fancies and obsessions no matter how off the beaten track they seemed. They fertilized their brains by learning about and trying new things.
Artists whose work and thinking abilities declined generally tended to be those with a particular method and formula they applied to their work year after year. They didn’t venture far from the tried and true of their younger years.
The mindset of the artists who continued to be innovative and sharp is the mindset we all need to be creative in any field, at any age.
This doesn’t mean we stop developing skills and making time to work whether the spark is there or not. Preparation and practice prepare the field so that when the seeds of magic fall from the sky, they have fertile soil to germinate and grow into something extraordinary. Songwriter Arlo Guthrie says, “Songs are like fish; you just gotta have your line in the water.” Even when motivation isn’t there, daily routines, skill-building, and practice keep your “line in the water.”

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