Creativity. We all have it. You too! Here’s how it happens for me. The name “Seedbop” came to me one day without looking for it. When an idea comes to me, it usually just pops up unbidden, like a seed from the universe that bops me on the head. You can tap into the flow of ideas to create art in any form. You can apply the same approaches to your work to solve problems and innovate change.
A friend of mine was envious of my artistic talents. “I’m not creative,” she said. Meanwhile, she had the best Halloween costume, all of which she crafted herself. I’ll never forget the Minnie Mouse shoes she made by resculpting a thrift store find, complete with the bulbous toes painted a shiny bright yellow. This is what creative gifts look like! She had a vision, procured materials, used her skills to execute the vision, and made it happen.
Early in my life, I was identified as “creatively gifted.” At eight years old, I was tapped to become part of Betty Edwards’s experiments as she determined how those of us that are both right and left-brained (according to her theory in the 1960s) switch between being analytical and creative. I traveled by bus to Long Beach State with fellow student Howard Dyke every week. She switched us back and forth between art and math rooms. Her research students asked us lots of questions which I found annoying. I wanted to make things with their supplies, including shiny metallic papers donated by Hallmark, which I loved.
What does it feel like to be “creatively gifted”? I don’t know how to answer that question because I’m just me. What I know is that I don’t think much about creating. Ideas just come to me, and I use them to make things. But here’s the deal – it doesn’t matter. We now know through further research that everyone has full access to their right and left brain, and both hemispheres contribute to our creativity differently. Everyone can be creative and experience seedbops. Accessing the ways our brain works requires specific ways of thinking and approaches. Hint: give up judging yourself, perfection, and be curious and open to what comes next. Get comfortable with paradox.
As an adult, I’ve studied more about how creativity works and how people can adopt the habits to get there. I naturally have those habits. When people have complained to me they aren’t creative; I see ways of thinking that block creativity. For instance: wanting what you are doing to come out perfectly (at least according to what you think is perfect) and thinking there is a recipe to get there is a big block to creativity. Forcing the process doesn’t work.
You won’t find recipes here. You are creative on your own; you don’t have to make someone else’s art or copy someone else’s idea. This blog will introduce you to attitudes and ways of approaching your creative life so you can find your own genius. It’s there. You have to exercise it to make it stronger.
You won’t find step-by-step instructions on making art on this blog, just like I do. I’m not Bob Ross and will not insist that your artwork looks like mine. Many artists and makers are out there teaching you to do what they do. And that’s good. Learning techniques is essential as a foundation for your creative toolbox.
I hope to work with you to develop the skills and approaches that will result in the best things coming out of your own head, your genius, not mine. Curiosity, experimentation, going for it, and seeing what happens without judging the results. That’s the spirit of my work. I hope you make this journey with me.
#1 Ignite Your Creative Spark – How to Be More Innovative and Solve Problems
June 25, 2022
By Leslie